Committed to Protecting Your Rights, Record, and Freedom
Headquartered in Columbia, Missouri, Faber Law Firm represents individuals who have been charged with a crime or or are being investigated in connection with a crime. Whether you’ve been arrested for the first time or are familiar with the criminal justice system, We will put our experience to work for you to protect your constitutional rights, your criminal record, and your freedom. We bring dedication and professionalism to every case and customize our approach to your individual needs and concerns.
Focused on Criminal Defense
Faber Law Firm focuses on DWI Defense, Drug Crimes, including Possession and Distribution, Homicides, including Murder and Manslaughter cases, Assault, Domestic Assault, Drug Trafficking, Federal Drug Conspiracies, White Collar Crime, Stealing-related offenses, and Traffic Tickets.
Serving Mid-Missouri
Faber Law Firm defends individuals in Boone County, City of Columbia Municipal Court, Callaway County, Fulton Municipal Court, Cooper County, Boonville Municipal Court, Cole County, Jefferson City Municipal Court, Audrain County, Howard County, Fayette Municipal Court, New Franklin Municipal Court, Randolph County, Pettis County, Saline County, Chariton County, Linn County, and the Western District Federal Court of Missouri, and anywhere else you or your loved one is in need of a criminal defense lawyer.
A Track Record Of Success
Achieving the best result possible in every case is our first priority. We will sit down with you to determine what kind of approach is best suited for your needs and tailor our representation to your individual case. This flexible approach to criminal defense allows our clients to be more informed, more confident, and more comfortable with the progress of their case, and has resulted in thousands of satisfied clients.
Experience Where It Matters
Many attorneys will tell you how many thousands of cases they have handled, or how they have been practicing for twenty or more years. Ask them the last time they took a case to trial, or had evidence thrown out by a judge that resulted in the case being dismissed. Ask them the last time they cold-called witnesses or knocked on doors to gather evidence. Better yet, ask us - We'd be happy to tell you. Years and years of experience only go so far - you need a lawyer who will put in the time and who isn't afraid to take the fight to the courtroom.
Get in touch with Faber Law Firm to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to see if Our services are right for you.
2511 Broadway Bluffs Dr. Suite 201
Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 777-9770
se habla español
dwi defense
Driving While Intoxicated charges, also known as DWI or DUI, can carry serious consequences and require skilled advocacy to avoid a criminal conviction and loss of driver's license
assault and domestic assault
If you are arrested for Assault, Domestic Assault, Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer, or any other Assault Related Offense, you need a lawyer who can tell your side of the story.
At the Faber Law Firm, we work hard to keep our clients records clean. When they are already tarnished, we fight for a clean slate and a fresh start.
drug offenses
Possession, Manufacturing,and Distribution of a Controlled Substance Charges, including Federal Drug Conspiracies Drug Trafficking Charges and asset forfeiture cases can have a devastating impact on the accused.
Attorney Ben Faber has experience defending Murder, Manslaughter, Tampering With Physical Evidence, and other Homicide-related offenses.
weapons offenses
Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, Felon In Possession, Unlawful Use of a Weapon and Armed Criminal Action charges are prosecuted vigorously and require an aggressive defense strategy.
Traffic Tickets, including Speeding, Driving Without a License, Careless and Imprudent Driving, and other Moving Violations can result in points on your license, license suspension, and increased insurance premiums.
“The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law, axiomatic and elementary, and its enforcement lies at the foundation of the administration of our criminal law.”
Exercise Your Right To Counsel.
Use the form below to contact me regarding your legal issue. Please be as specific as possible about the charges that you are facing and the jurisdiction in which you are charged. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.